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Application for Moderator :D

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Application for Moderator :D Empty Application for Moderator :D

Post by DeltaDog1 Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:02 am


How long have you been playing OPNetwork?:About a month i was playing your server and its amazing!!!!

Experience:I have been a server moderator/ co owner on 5 servers all were deleted because of people not donating. D:

Why do you want to be a moderator: Because its an amazing server and I just want to keep the server safe from any cheaters/hackers and keep the server safe as can be.

Suggestions: Whats there to change its the best and im helping create the new server a little XD

How Did You Find The Server?: My best friend MastaKilla303

Skype name: DeltaDog11

Gender: transvestine JK IM A MALE!!!


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-08-08

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