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~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

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Should I get Staff?

~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App I_vote_lcap100%~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App I_vote_rcap 100% 
[ 1 ]
~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App I_vote_lcap0%~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 1

~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App Empty ~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

Post by Buttcrackers20 Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:19 am

Age: I am Currently 13 Years Old I also believe I am very Mature for my age.(I am turning 14 in a bit xD)

How long have you been playing OPNetwork?:
I have Been playing On OPNetwork For a fantastic 33 Which I have really enjoyed and I hope this server can stay up for a really long time so that's why I'm donating To MVP Rank So I can try to help the server as much I can from donating and I hope other people will too. (Because I know I'm not the only one one to love this server!)

Why do you want to be T-Mod?: The reason I want to become a trial-moderator is to overall help the server in many different ways. Doing this I will attempt to get new users, welcome new users, prevent rule breakers, prevent abusers, and help current users. The way I will attempted to get user is to Advertise on other servers, and making Youtube video's to restore the server to it's proper glory (@WARRIORZPVP). The way I will welcome new users is to give them a nice kind, and a open welcome to make them have a good time on OP-Network, and, help them within my greatest abilities to get started out on the new life of MC on OP-Network. The way I will attempted to stop the rule breakers of OP-Network, is to be as active as I possibly can be to prevent them from finding a moment of opportunity to break the rules, and corrupt the server, I will also try to use one of my alts to catch them breaking rules, and then have them face the coincidences, I will also try to change the player, change the player to become a better player that is more trustful, and become free of rule breaking. The way I will help current user is to ask them for help. I believe that most of the new user are shy, and are afraid to ask for help. But if you ask for help you can give them more of a open feeling, and be able to make the community of OP-Network more supported. So That is why I think I should be A T-Mod Of OP-Network!

Suggestions: I believe that the server is a very enjoyable MC server But I have a few suggestions to try to make it EVEN better. I find that there has been some hackers That I have Pvped Against and as a player hackers are not fun to play against I don't know if the server has this plugin already but Anti-Cheat Is great on Pvp servers like this One. On vanilla servers There are hacks out right now that you are able to fly away from a fight But if you fly for more than 5 seconds You are automatically kicked I think that is a great Plugin But with Anti-Cheat It realizes that if the player fly's If they don't have the perms They automatically get kicked and that is great Because then people aren't getting away by Flying (in pvp). There is also A really cool plugin Called BLOODMOON and basically a BLOODMOON comes out every couple nights and It makes Mobs Stronger And they drop more xp+Items (Like skellys Have a chance of dropping huges amounts of arrows and a lot of things like that.) Here's The link

How did you find this server?: From a youtuber named "VurbRaids" he has 2K subs And advertised it to me.

Skype Name: Its Ovie2001 (-=<~ Buttcrackers ~>=-)

Gender: As you can tell from my name A male. xD

Extra Info!

I love The great game MC! I have been playing it for a while now (if you have read my other application) I starter In 2009 Got it for My B-Day/X-mas (Birthday On December 29) And I Played it for awhile now i stopped in 2010 I just got Un-addicted I guess you could call it And started playing on servers In the late 2011's And have been hooked ever since So yeah Minecraft Is Definitely one of my favorite Hobbies!

Thanks For Reading Make sure to vote on the poll and either
(Poll on top of the page)

Last edited by Buttcrackers20 on Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:36 am; edited 5 times in total
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~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App Empty Re: ~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

Post by Buttcrackers20 Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:41 pm

Very Happy 
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~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App Empty Re: ~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

Post by Frank. Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:36 am

On your first app you was 14 and now your 13? Hm, strange


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~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App Empty Re: ~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

Post by Frank. Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:40 am

And, this isn't a way to advertise your youtube channel. That was a nice app. But you ruined it with lieing about your age, and advertising which is against the rules.


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~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App Empty Re: ~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

Post by Buttcrackers20 Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:35 am

Ok sorry Frank
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~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App Empty Re: ~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

Post by Buttcrackers20 Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:36 am

I took it off
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~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App Empty Re: ~~Buttcrackers20~~ T-Mod App

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