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~~Dragonflare55~~ T-Mod Application!

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~~Dragonflare55~~ T-Mod Application! Empty ~~Dragonflare55~~ T-Mod Application!

Post by Dragonflare55 Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:49 am

14 Years Old And I believe I am also very mature.
How Long Have You Been Playing On OPNetwork?:

I have been playing an enjoying this fantastic server for a memorable Month.

I have been Admin On Many different Server hosted Around the world (Most Of Them Have Shut down But I still got the spot)I am A Pre-Mod Currently On a server now And an Admin But My Most exciting Promotion Was In 1.2.5 On a Very Popular Server Which Re-stared after the Update It averaged 90 player 24/7 And I was A Head-admin on. I have been Playing Minecraft Since 2009 When I got It from Christmas Then I stopped in 2010 And starter Playing On Servers in 2011 Again. I am Great At redstone contractions And Building. (I have got builder rank on various servers Which Is not staff but still has responsibility.)
Why Do you Want to be T-Mod:

I would love to except this honorable ranking. The title as T-mod is not what is important to me. What is important to me is to be able to be given additional abilities to expand my help and assistance to others. I have appreciated the help that i have been given by current staff members and I want to be able to pay it forward to new players on the server or people that just need help, so they can continue and enjoy and learn what the server has to offer. I also want to help prevent rule breaking and bullying on the server. Minecraft is meant to be fun and enjoyable, and if I get T-mod I will keep it that way for this server, and the people playing on it. I also have the experience of staff and I loved it!


I believe I have many Great Ideas To Improve The server I think The spawn is Great But I would Love To help Improve It A bit. I even Have Awesome Plugins Ideas That I have tested On my own server that would work Amazing For this server!

Where Did you find This Server:
From A Youtuber Called WarriorzPvp Also Know As Buttcrackers20 And Adrien80808080 They Advertised On Youtube.

Skype Name:
Its Dragon.Flare55


I am A Male

Info About Me!

I Love to Play MC I also Love Sports Such As Hockey (AAA) And A Lacrosse I Travel A Ton For Hockey Its The Kitchener Jr. Rangers ANd We Travel All The way to Texas For A tourney I have Recently Went to Minecon In Paris! And I got To Talk To some of MC Gamers In Front Of the crowd It was so Cool!!!Very Happy Please Leave Some FeedBack So next Time I can Write a better Application So I can Help Out The Community!

feeling confident
feeling confident

Posts : 5
Join date : 2013-08-07

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