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Adrien80808080 mod application

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Adrien80808080 mod application Empty Adrien80808080 mod application

Post by adrien80808080 Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:47 am


How long have you been playing OPNetwork?:I've only been on for about 5 days but I instantly fell in love with this server when I joined

Experience:I have been staff on MANY servers before but sadly, they've shut down. I have been staff on at least 9 servers before, and from what I've heard I have done a great job.

Why do you want to be a moderator:I think I should be accepted into the staff team because I am very fair I love to help people and instead of them asking for help I will be the one to ask if anyone needs help. I will never abuse and always check for proof if someone is accusing someone else of breaking the rules.

Suggestions:Well I think the server is great but I had to make a suggestion it would be to add a few more plugins that would attract people more such as the bending plugin. I have many suggestions for the server and I would love to share them.

How Did You Find The Server?:From a youtuber named VurbGaming.

Skype name:adrien808080

Gender: Male

Other: Buttcrackers20 and I have a youtube channel called WarriorzPvp with about 15 subs not much, but we can help the server grow. (antoc0644 helps with the channel sometimes too)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-08-07

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