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mega_goilth's staff request

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mega_goilth's staff request Empty mega_goilth's staff request

Post by mega_goilth Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:46 pm

Age: 14

How long have you been playing OPNetwork?: 3-4 weeks (but I know a lot about the server)

Experience: I have some experience with admin commands and I know that there are a lot of PlanetMinecraft impersonators out there and I will want proof that they are from PlanetMinecraft

Why do you want to be a moderator: I want to be a Mod because I have some experience with admin commands and I want to help people im a friendly player I do not lie in this I really do want to become a Mod

Suggestions: Maybe you should put some cool unique items that you can only get from voting or donating

How Did You Find The Server?: I found this server on PlanetMinecraft and I thought it would be cool to try out because I like factions and has always liked the lower populated servers

Skype name: My Skype name is Logan Collins and I do not have a mic but I can speak through the laptop I play on

Gender: My gender is Male


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-08-01

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mega_goilth's staff request Empty Re: mega_goilth's staff request

Post by RapidFirexlv Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:17 am

Good Application! Now as you know, I can't say these words accepted or denied Because I'm only a Moderator, But other than that good application! Cool Rapid Out


Posts : 10
Join date : 2013-07-28

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