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my humble application :)

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my humble application :) Empty my humble application :)

Post by joepispoep11 Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:47 pm

Age: im 15 years old il be 16 at 15 september.

How long have you been playing OPnetwork: Ive been playing OPnetwork for 3 weeks now and i love the server.

Experience: Ive ownd a server my slelf i sold it, adn i am mod on 3 other servers they said i was one of the best soo Razz and im the oldest at home.

Why do you want to be a mod: Because i want to help out the server and keep it a good server so it wont get people hacking on all the time.

Suggestions: i have none Very Happy

How did you find the server: I was looking for a server on planet minecraft and i saw OPnetwwork and i faught mhmhmh this seems nice and i add the server and the world opend

Skype name:thekaboom111 but im not on skype all the time i check it ones a day

Gender: Male

Here's something about me if you wanna know: I love pizza, i HATE olives though im like i said 15 my birthday is on the 15 of september, i was born on 1997 at 12:06 pm

This was my application i hope you accept if not plz tell me what to do beter next time,
my IGN is thekaboom1 and il see you soon on the server bye Surprised 

feeling confident
feeling confident

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Join date : 2013-08-12

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my humble application :) Empty Re: my humble application :)

Post by joepispoep11 Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:38 am

Sorry for my spelling

feeling confident
feeling confident

Posts : 6
Join date : 2013-08-12

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