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ellie_outlaw the nig nig ownzzz app for shiz

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ellie_outlaw the nig nig ownzzz app for shiz Empty ellie_outlaw the nig nig ownzzz app for shiz

Post by yoloswag Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:23 am

Age: 14 Years of age

How long have you been playing OP Network? :

Since the start (Cant remember how many months ago)

Experience :

On other servers I've been Co-owner 1, Admin 4, Mod 3, Helper 2, Builder 4. However a few of these servers have shut down due to not enough donations. On this server I've been: Builder, Mod, Head mod

Why do you want to be a moderator :

I would like to become moderator on OPNetwork because i can bring a range of skills to the server and help out a lot with the other staff. I know all of the rules for the server and what the punishments are if you break these rules.I am very active on the server as well as the website as i like to check out what people have been posting on there and look at any ban appeals (When we get the Hyperlink). I am a very friendly person who likes to have some fun and joke around when not doing work with the rest of the staff team as you may know. If i was mod on this server then i could stop all the rule breakers and them mean hackers who want to DDoS the server or just muck it all up. I love helping and dedicate most of my time on the server already to help people. I am easy to get along with and can hold that friendship forever! ^-^ I am also a very good builder who can help out with any architectural designs on the server as i have done in the pass. I have been mod on a server which is quite old now but used to be very popular called Novscraft it still is popular average around 37 Players at a time. I am a very good hacker spotter and can spot nodus off a mile away using different techniques through different plugins. I'm very knowledgeable about bukkit commands and plugins and developed a plugin a while ago which unfortunately wasn't very popular. I know everything about the different servers we have within the hub Which are as the following, Op Hungergames, Op Factions, Op Skyblock and of course Op KitPvP, I would tell you what i know about these things but it would be to much to type Very Happy.

How did you find this server: The owner told me personally when he created the world and i helped create and name the server (Created OLD spawn)

Suggestions: In the shop you should be able to sell things to make a profit and also to get Op CTF and Op Parkour so there is more of a variate of things to do on the server.

frank is my bitch,

feeling confident
feeling confident

Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-08-07

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