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applying for staff

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applying for staff Empty applying for staff

Post by antoc0644 Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:45 am


How long have you been playing OPNetwork?: only 5-7 days pretty much but I really love this server.

Experience: I have been staff on a lot of different servers but most of them are now shut down. They have told me I was a great staff.

Why do you want to be a moderator: I love helping out servers with building spawns, pvp, spleef and more. every time I get staff on a server I go on it every day. if someone has a problem I will get on it right away. AND I LOVE OPS SERVERS!!!lol! 

Suggestions:i love the server I think it should have a bit less lag like restarting the server more.

How Did You Find The Server?: me adrien80808080 and buttcrackers found it from a youtuber named vurbgaming.

Skype name:dont have one.

Gender: none of ur business lol!  male


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-08-07

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